Smart Phone Privacy

If you have a smart phone your data is being collected and used to market products to you, at the least. This data includes location, email, text messages (sms), contacts, internet searches and even phone calls. Apple and Google have privacy policies that few ever read. They do collect large amounts of information on you to create profiles. Every application you install has a Terms of Service (TOS) that you agree to when it’s installed. Many of these applications require access to photos, contacts, location, calls, sms, and more. The federal government is also on the data buyer list once the companies have compiled your information. You have no privacy unless you make very strong efforts to stop the spying.

You have three options: agree to the terms and allow them yo spy on you, don’t use the smart phone, or get a privacy phone.

What is a privacy phone? These are special phones used by people who need confidentiality. These can include government agents, company employees, or just individuals who do not want to share personal info. There is nothing illegal about securing your data. It’s in the Bill of Rights.

Fourth Amendment

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

Getting a privacy phone is actually very easy. All you need is a Google Pixel. The Google Pixel is used to develop the base of the Android OS. Android OS is Open Source. This means anyone can use the code and modify it, and then use it on a device. Since this phone is easy to reprogram there are alternative operating systems (OS) we can use that are designed for privacy. CalyxOS is one and considered the best.

CalyxOS is an Android mobile operating system that puts privacy and security into the hands of everyday users. Plus, proactive security recommendations and automatic updates take the guesswork out of keeping your personal data personal.

If you like the Android system then this OS is right for you. It’s a small learning curve to use as your everyday device. I have use such a device for several years. I only charge $100 to install the OS on your Pixel and will preinstall my recommended applications and any others that you need. The best practice is to avoid installing applications that do not respect your privacy. Sadly, this is most of them. But for the applications that you must have, we can employ the use of a FireWall to protect these applications and you, preventing them from sending your data unless specifically authorized by you. The best practice, of course, is to use safe applications that don’t collect data. There are app stores like FDroid that only contain open source, non-data collecting applications so you can be confident that you’re installing only safe apps. Contact me if you’re interested. I’ll show you how it works and explain the features and limitations.